Dads Matter

Anglicare's Parentzone - Dad's at their best - helping children to thrive

Are you a dad who would like to:

  • Better understand the importance of dads in their child's life
  • Have rules and consequences that work?
  • Develop your relationship with your children?
  • Get your head around what your children need from you?

When: Tuesday (6 evening sessions) 23rd October to 4th December 2018
(excluding 6th November)
Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Where: Croydon Hills Primary School 47 Campaspe Drive, Croydon HIlls
Cost: Free of charge.

Bookings are essential.
Bookings: Helena on 0488 501 204 or 9735 6134

Dads_matter_2.pdf Dads_matter_2.pdf (420kB)