Surviving Parenthood - Building Connections

Surviving Parenthood:

  • What is discipline?
  • Why doesn't punishment work?

Do you want to:

  • Help you and your child cope with change in a chaotic world?
  • Establish positive relationships with your children?
  • Develop strategies to manage anger?
  • Talk so your kids will listen?

Come along and learn strategies, share stories and take some time out for you!

When: Wednesday 24th October - 28th November (6 sessions)

Time: 7.00pm - 9.30pm

Where: Bayswater West Primary School Phyllis St, Bayswater

Cost: Free of charge. Bookings essential.

Bookings: Julia at Parentzone 9735 6190 or 0400 866 495

18.04-Surviving-Parenthood-BWPS-Oct-2018.pdf 18.04-Surviving-Parenthood-BWPS-Oct-2018.pdf (2MB)