TRAK Forward Program - Therapuetic Recovery for Adults and Kids

The Inner East ‘TRAK Forward’ Program (Therapeutic Recovery for Adults and Kids) is a collaborative partnership between Anglicare Victoria, Drummond Street and Relationship Matters.

TRAK Forward offers a range of therapeutic interventions to support the recovery of people, including children, who are moving forward away from the impact of Family Violence. TRAK Forward applies a trauma-informed, phase based treatment framework.

People accessing the service can receive support via:

  • A key therapeutic recovery worker,
  • Therapeutic and safety focussed recovery plan,
  • Dyadic work between family members,
  • Evidence based group work and counselling,
  • One on one coaching (in home or outreach), and
  • Access to ongoing peer support.


  • Person impacted by family violence resides in, or, is strongly connected to the Inner East catchments of Boroondara, Manningham, Monash and Whitehorse
  • Person referred can be a parent (mother or father) with children needing support, or a person without children
  • Person has moved through crisis phase and has case management if there are ongoing family violence needs
  • Ready to undertake therapeutic supports
  • You have obtained consent from the person to refer them to our service.

Please note this service is not appropriate for clients who are currently in immediate family violence crisis.

We are a team of practitioners who have a range of clinical experience across family violence, family services, and sexual assault response, out of home care, trauma, child safety, development, bonding and attachment 

If you would like to discuss or make a referral please contact us on (03) 9896 6395 or

182_TRAK_TRIFOLD_Brochure_V2.pdf 182_TRAK_TRIFOLD_Brochure_V2.pdf (2MB)