What is Homelessness Week?
In Australia, there are over 116,000 people experiencing homelessness on any given night. Homelessness Week aims to raise awareness of the causes and impacts of homelessness via national and local events and campaigns. This includes providing information on the importance of housing as a solution and educating communities on how they can make a difference.
How do I get involved?
Homelessness Week provides an opportunity to bring the issue of homelessness onto the agendas of local, state and national governments. In the lead-up to and during Homelessness Week, individuals and organisations are encouraged to get involved by supporting campaigns, attending events and sharing messages to end homelessness.
Visit Homelessness Australia for Homelessness week activities, supporter packs and other useful resources
Visit the Everybody’s Home Campaign Everybody’s Home partners and supporters are asking local MPs across the country to sign a pledge and support investment in more social housing.
Join in on our Eastern Homelessness Network Activities:
Social media tiles (Clicking on the image will download a zip file of images)
Clicking on the image will download a zip file of A4 posters OR you can download separately the larger A3 posters
Virtual Meeting Backgrounds (Clicking on the image will download a zip file of images)
Email signature banner Click on the image to save a copy to add to your signature. Remember to link the image to www.ehn.org.au
Homelessness Facts - Local and National