Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault (ECASA)

ECASA provides a free counselling and support service to people who have experienced sexual assault either recently or in the past. The service is also available to non-offending family and friends. ECASA’s counsellors are trauma specialists with degrees in psychology, social work or counselling.

Services include:

  • Face to face and telephone counselling and support
  • 24 hour access to crisis care services for adults who have been sexually assaulted within the last two weeks
  • Therapeutic group work
  • Information and referral to other relevant services
  • Community education
  • Secondary consultation and training for professionals

Counselling for high risk homeless adolescents

How to access a service

You do not need a referral from your GP to use our service. You can call our duty worker on 9870 7330 and an initial assessment appointment will be arranged for you.

Health professionals wishing to refer a client can call our duty line with the client present.

People who have been sexually assaulted during the past two weeks are offered an immediate crisis care service.


Eastern-Centre-Against-Sexual-Assault-ECASA-Flyer.pdf Eastern-Centre-Against-Sexual-Assault-ECASA-Flyer.pdf (2MB)