Overcoming Barriers - A toolkit to improve responses to CALD women and children who have experienced family violence

Produced by Northern Intergrated Family Violence Services.

A toolkit to improve responses to CALD women and children who have experienced family violence

Overcoming Barriers provides practitioners with advice and resources to support their response to culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women and children who have experienced family violence.

This toolkit is based on the premise that practitioners will have undertaken training in Identifying and Responding to Family Violence and have an understanding of the Common Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF). This is critical to ensuring practitioners understand family violence and risk assessment before focusing on CALD women and children’s experience of family violence.

The information provided is based on the expertise of service providers in the northern metropolitan region. As such, this toolkit does not provide a full account of the evidence relating to best practice with CALD communities. It should also be noted that this toolkit is not a cultural competency/sensitivity tool.


The toolkit is suitable for use by practitioners, in any service, who respond to this cohort. This may include specialist family violence, settlement, community health or other services. It may be used as a tool for learning and self-reflection, or to support supervision or team development.


The toolkit includes seven chapters about different practice issues:

  1. Engaging in anti-racist, human rights-based practice

  2. Understanding structural and systemic barriers to help-seeking

  3. Understanding community barriers and enablers impacting upon help-seeking

  4. Understanding the impact of trauma

  5. Understanding tactics of abuse and assessing risk

  6. Working with interpreters in a family violence context

  7. Working with CALD children.

Each chapter includes background information and links to further resources—some contain videos with specialists discussing topics in more depth. Each chapter also includes self-reflection questions and a self-reflection tool that pose questions in order to enhance good practice. The self-reflection tool can be used for self-reflection, to support supervision or for team planning activities. It may be useful to have a particular client in mind when working through the questions.

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