Practice Guides for working with Children

The Benevolent Society and The Parenting Research Centre have produced these Practice guides for working with children.

This guide highlights some of the practitioner process skills that are known to positively impact on client outcomes. It is designed to provide practitioners with additional support when working with children and families. The skills in this guide are not limited to any one resilience outcome but can be used across the outcomes and at various stages of working with families.

Please click here for Guide 1-Practitioner Skills
Please click here for Guide 2-Secure and Stable Relationships
Please click here for Guide 3-Increasing Self-Efficacy
Please click here for Guide 4-Increasing Safety
Please click here for Guide 5-Improving Empathy
Please click here for Guide 6-Increasing Coping, Self-Regulation
Please click here for Guide 7-Cumulative Harm
Please click here for Guide 8-Infants and Risk