Mental Health Services in Australia - web report

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare have brought the new Mental Health Services in Australia 2019 report. Mental health services in Australia describes the activity and characteristics of Australia’s health care and social care services accessed by people with a mental illness.


Downloadable in brief see attached below

Specific to SHS services

  • 81,004 (about 1 in 3) of the 241,113 SHS clients aged 10 years and over in 2017–18 had a current mental health issue.
  • The national rate of SHS clients with a current mental health issue has increased each year from 2011–12 to 2017–18.
  • The rate of clients with a mental health issue was more than 7 times as high for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people than non-Indigenous Australians.
  • Top reasons clients with a mental health issue sought SHS support were housing crises/inadequacy, domestic/family violence, and financial difficulties.
  • 61.5% of clients with a current mental health issue received support for longer than 45 days.

aihw-hse-228-in-brief.pdf aihw-hse-228-in-brief.pdf (4MB)