Practitioner Resources

The Commission for Children and Young People Strategic Plan 2016-1017

The Victorian Commission for Children and Young People is an independent statutory body established to promote improvement and innovation in policies and practices affecting the safety and wellbeing of Victorian children and young people. We have a particular focus on vulnerable children and young people as defined in the Commission for Children and Young People Act (2012).

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Kids Helpline

A free and confidential counselling service for young Aussies (ages 5-25)

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Betrayal of Trust Legislation

In April 2012, the Victorian Government initiated a landmark inquiry into the handling of child abuse allegations within religious and other non-government organisations. All practitioners in all services are expected to be familiar with these changes.

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Failure to Disclose

Reporting child sexual abuse is a community-wide responsibility. Accordingly, a new criminal offence has been created in Victoria that imposes a clear legal duty upon all adults to report information about child sexual abuse to police. The offence commenced on 27 October 2014.

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An Overview of the Victorian Child Safe Standards

This document provides general guidance for the implementation of the child safe standards to improve the way organisations that provide services for children prevent and respond to child abuse that may occur within their organisation.

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Financial support packages for LGBTI people experiencing Family Violence

Victims of family violence can now access support packages to assist with financial and practical support needs in order to leave abusive relationships or heal after leaving one.

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Energy and Water Ombudsman

EWOV is a not-for-profit, independent and impartial dispute resolution service. We provide Victorian energy and water customers with free, accessible, informal and fast dispute resolution.

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Pathways to Independence - Housing information and referral service

A program to support women aged over 50 who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. 

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Theme: Homelessness

Skills First - Reconnect Program

K.Y.M. (Victoria) Inc is running a Program available to 17-64 year olds, supporting them to reengage into education, training and/or employment.

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Family Methamphetamine First Aid program

Presented by Uniting Care ReGen, The Family Methamphetamine First Aid program has been designed specifically for family members concerned or affected by a loved one’s use of methamphetamine (Ice). This program has been developed collaboratively with people who have a lived experience of the impacts of methamphetamine use on individual and family members’ wellbeing.

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Free Youth Counselling

Inspiro provides a free generalist youth counselling service for young people aged between 12 to 25 who live, work or study in the Yarra Ranges, and may be dealing with depression, anxiety, bullying, harassment or managing relationships.


read more makes it easier to find the right information about housing and housing assistance in Victoria.

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Legal help available for Centrelink problems

People living in the outer western metropolitan region and the Yarra Ranges now have more access to free legal help to understand and take up their rights in dealing with Centrelink.

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Headspace - Sexual Health Clinic

Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing. This covers four core areas: mental health, physical health, work and study support and alcohol and other drug 

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StreetSmart - online resource for young people

Youthlaw has an online resource for young people called StreetSmart. It’s designed to be just as easy to use on a smartphone as it is on a tablet or desktop and it has all the important info young people need to know about police, Protective Services Officers (PSOs), ticket inspectors and security guards. 

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Theme: Young People

Headspace Well Women's Clinic

Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing. This covers four core areas: mental health, physical health, work and study support and alcohol and other drug 

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Theme: Young People

1800RESPECT Frontline Workers Toolkit

As a frontline worker, you are in a unique position to help the 1 in 4 women in Australia who have experienced physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner.

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Family Violence Support Groups 2017

Domestic Violence Resource Centre (DVRC) has complied a list of Family Violence support groups per region including groups for women; mothers and children; indigenous; and Parents of abusive children.

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Forced Marriage: A Good Practice Guide

Forced marriage is increasingly being identified as an issue affecting young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds in the Australian community.

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Overcoming Barriers - A toolkit to improve responses to CALD women and children who have experienced family violence

Overcoming Barriers provides practitioners with advice and resources to support their response to culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women and children who have experienced family violence.

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Suicide Prevention Wallet Card

Lifeline has developed a new double sided wallet card which outlines three steps (Ask; Stay & Listen; Get Help) to help people prevent suicide. The wallet card will be widely available to the Australian public to raise awareness and provide practical tools to assist in suicide prevention.

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CHP - Good Practice guides to Housing Focused Support

Housing focused support refers to the activities and interventions delivered by workers in Specialist Homelessness Services that aim to help people gain and sustain a home. 

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Focus on... Working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) adolescents

A collection of resources that provide information and highlight good practice for professionals working with CALD adolescents.

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How to Report Child Abuse and Neglect

This resource sheet provides information to service providers and practitioners working in the child, family
and community welfare sector on how to report suspected child abuse and neglect. It defines child abuse
and neglect, and provides contact details for the reporting authority in each state and territory.

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Family Violence - What you can do for yourself and your family

WIRE Women’s Information has published an easy-to-read information booklet on family violence – Family Violence: What you can do for yourself and your family.

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Mental Health and Support - Infographic Resource

The Centre for Multicultural Youth has created this infographic resource for young people with tips and information relating to mental health and the support that is available.

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Partners in Prevention website

The Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) is excited to announce the launch of their new Partners in Prevention website.

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Family Violence Fact Sheets - Multiple Languages

The fact sheets were developed in consultation with inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence, and aim to provide some basic information for women and children from a range of Cultrally And Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds in regard to family violence, their rights and how the service system can help them. The fact sheets can be printed by services as needed.

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Tune in now - Free online toolkit for homelessness workers

Developed by Homelessness Australia, Tune In Now is designed to assist homelessness case/support workers to ‘have the conversation’ with men about depression and anxiety.

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Homelessness in Austalia: An introduction - Book

The first book to explore the complexities of homelessness in Australia and the future policies to address it was today launched by the Federal Minister for Social Services, Kevin Andrews and Shadow Minister for Housing and Homelessness Jan McLucas at the National Homelessness Conference in Queensland.

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The Lookout - Your Place for Family Violence Information in Victoria

The Lookout is a place where Victorian family violence workers and other professionals in universal and mainstream services can find information, evidence-based resources and services to help them respond to family violence.

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